Tag Archives: Writer

The Truth about Love

Close your eyes

if your heart so desires,

the surrounding forest

does not disappear.

The trees stand tall.

The grass still grows lush.

Animals make a home

and the birds a nest.

If I close my eyes,

the forest remains;

it lives.

As does this forest of love

I keep hidden

within the parts of me,

where light has no reason to travel.

It grows still, for the ways of nature,

life and the sun,

though easily perceived,

are seldom accepted.

©️Romancing Life

The Lilac Sky

‘The Lilac Sky’

I seek the path that

takes me through

the lilac sky

framed in rose coloured glass,

to the road beyond

the limits of the eternal sun.

I seek the universe within you,

that something, which

you seek in me;

the light catching fire

in your eyes

and the dance of a smile

on my lips.

©️Romancing Life


Who is the sea and who am I,

I do not know.

I just know how to flow like the waves,

to and fro.

I flow without question,

I flow without hinderance.

I am destruction.

I am absolution.

I am the cradle of life.

I am a cemetery.

The giver of life

and home to death.

I am. I am. I am

I am beyond thought.

Where comprehension ends,

I begin.

©️ Romancing Life

Something Bigger than Myself

I have always wanted to be a part of something. I wanted to be a part of a family, a group of cousins and siblings. I wanted to be a part of a group of friends. I wanted to be a part of a community. I have always wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. By default, I fit into all of these categories and none if I take a deeper glance at the truth.

A sense of loneliness accompanies me everywhere I go. It is a sense that comes to life by not being understood, not just for a while, but for every second you have been alive. It is a heavy thing to carry with you everywhere, this loneliness.

I have tried to empty the bag of thoughts I carry in mind. I have tried to scream the words out and I have tried to pull them out forcefully. But, they, like a faithful lover, do not abandon me. They stand next to me in my deepest moments of despair and they hold my hands just as well at the zenith of my happiness. So, I suppose, I lie when I say I wish to be a part of something bigger than myself. I realize, the loneliness has become bigger than me and I have become a part of it.

©️Romancing Life

What is beauty?

There is beauty in this world that is more than what the eyes can perceive. This beauty is as natural as nature, as apparent as instinct, and rare, much like common sense. This beauty is of and beyond this world. To understand it, you have to let go any preconceived notions you have and wipe your memory clean. Forget what you know of beauty, to understand and feel that, which cannot be seen.

©️ Romancing Life

Should Have. Could Have

Artwork: @sandra.cumplido (Instagram)

I should have talked to you. Your soft smiles were an indication enough, I should have stopped you, but you were always so immersed in your ways. Shy glances and sweet sighs. So many confessions twirled on your tongue, like sweet hard candy, melting before I could ever hear their crunch. Every once in while you would smile, let the secrets reflect in your eyes. And, I would forget. Forget your pensive stares. To remember what was in front of me. A mirage, that was all you. You and a semblance of me. A shadow that bore our names. Us. Together. In a different lifetime. In an alternate reality. But this, I cannot forget; we are here, in the now, in this place. In this actuality, you don’t talk and I don’t hear. We don’t speak and you are not near. I live with regret, for the things I didn’t do, the words I didn’t let escape in submission to my fears. Perhaps, it is too late. Time is too far gone to say, I should have stopped you. I should have talked to you.

© Romancing Life, 2018